In any business that develops or maintains technology, having a clear roadmap is crucial for aligning your team, stakeholders, and the long-term product vision. The issue that small teams in particular face with limited resources is not only plotting the journey of the roadmap, but also following the path and amending where necessary as opportunities to deviate and pivot come to light. An out-of-date or incorrect roadmap can lead to more confusion and project disruption than having no roadmap at all.

A roadmap itself should not be overly technical, as it aims to inform stakeholders that bring expertise and insight from other industries and disciplines, as well as the technical team working on the product. For a small team building an internal tool, your roadmap should be graspable by everyone in your company.

The Purpose and Benefits of Product Roadmaps

An effective product roadmap becomes your source of truth for long-term product development. Regardless of whether you’re a team of two or a team of two hundred and beyond, the product roadmap sets the direction of your team’s development efforts and allows for anyone joining the project to quickly get up to speed.


A well-crafted roadmap aligns your team by providing a shared vision and direction. It ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the product’s goals and priorities.


A roadmap helps you prioritise what features or improvements should be tackled first. It ensures that your limited resources are focused on the most valuable work.


It’s a communication tool that allows you to convey your product’s direction to stakeholders, including your development team, executives, and even customers.

Building Blocks of a Product Roadmap

Now that we understand why product roadmaps are essential, let’s break down their key components:

Vision and Strategy

Your roadmap should always be anchored in a clear vision and a well-defined strategy. What problem is your product solving, and what are your long-term goals? Particularly if your product is post-launch and looking to grow, how are you continuing to improve on your efforts to hit your core goal?

Goals and Objectives

Set specific, measurable goals, using SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) objectives that you want to achieve. Goals give your roadmap purpose and direction.

Themes and Initiatives

Organise your work into themes or initiatives. Themes group related features or improvements together, making it easier to see the bigger picture.

Prioritisation and Timeframes

Small teams often have to make tough decisions about what to include in their roadmap due to limited resources. Prioritisation techniques like MoSCoW (Must-haves, Should-haves, Could-haves, Won’t-haves) or RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) can help you make informed choices.

Additionally, set realistic timeframes for each roadmap item (much like when setting your aforementioned goals, SMART can be your friend. Consider your team’s capacity and constraints when defining deadlines.

Agile and Flexibility in Roadmapping

Agility is the key to success for small teams. Embrace an agile approach to product roadmapping, which means being open to change and adapting your roadmap as circumstances evolve. Small teams often have to pivot quickly, and your roadmap should be flexible enough to accommodate those changes.

Communicating the Roadmap

Creating a product roadmap is only half the battle; the other half is effective communication. Regularly update your team and stakeholders (internal and external, if applicable) on roadmap progress and changes.

Your project team and its stakeholders will have been involved in the decision-making process, any changes should be agreed upon and communicated once brought into the updated roadmap

Roadmap Tooling

Many businesses already use project and task management tools that can be moulded to accommodate a product roadmap, meaning that your roadmap can coexist with other key documentation and information rather than being housed in a different tool (which creates friction for easy access by stakeholders).

Businesses using the likes of Asana and Trello can create product roadmaps from templates that fit to their liking, with tech teams that aim to grow or are a part of businesses that have a strong technical focus able to lean on tools like Linear and GitHub’s revamped Projects.


Creating an effective product roadmap for small teams is a challenging but rewarding endeavour. It can align your team, help you make informed decisions, and keep your stakeholders informed. Remember, the journey of product development is as important as the destination, and a well-crafted roadmap will guide you every step of the way.

If you’re a small team struggling with your product roadmap or have questions about how to tailor these strategies to your specific needs, Embeddable is here to help. Your roadmap is your compass, and with the right guidance, your small team can achieve big results.