You’ve had that 💡 moment, now what?

The Embeddable approach to ideas and problems that saves time, money, and resource.

When you have an idea, you want to understand “is this possible?” as quickly as you can, but the next question is often “where do I start?” – you’re not alone. For years, our team has spent time working in and alongside businesses that aim to explore ideas quickly and introduce solutions effectively. From our years of experience working across a range of sectors, we’ve developed the Embeddable Discovery Framework.

The Embeddable framework

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    Embed our experience

    A no-strings-attached 30 minute call with Embeddable to explore your idea further.

    Peter Calvert, Founder of Embeddable & fractional CTO to small and ambitious businesses.

    Ideas revolve around solving problems, and with that in mind, there’s two versions of a “lightbulb” moment, which can evolve into a “concept”:

    You’re addressing a problem that directly impacts you

    In this kind of moment, you’re discovering a solution that primarily benefits you and your business, at least initially. Whilst it’s likely that your idea can benefit others, your business is already experiencing or about to experience the problem that your idea aims to resolve.

    With this style of “concept”, your success markers often focus on generating additional revenue, engaging with new customers, or improving the efficiency of a team or your overall business.

    You’re addressing a problem that impacts somebody else

    This often comes in the form of a new product or service (including software-as-a-service), which you sell to customers. Whilst you, or your business, understands the problem, you may not be directly affected by it.

    With this style of “concept”, your success marker is typically revenue focused, either generating increased revenue from existing customers, or engaging with new customers.